Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hello, Hello, Hello!

Hey there readers! I am so glad that you have navigated your way to my blog. This is my very first experience writing a blog, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. The reason for this blog is for my Premise of School class. Over the next couple of weeks I will be sharing my experiences with you. I will be doing observations in a local elementary school classroom and can't wait to see what the kiddos have in store for me!

As I said in my "about me" I am a Business Management major and I am taking this class to fulfill a free elective. I will be graduating from Salem State University in the Spring of 2012. I love to read, do arts and crafts and see my friends when I have downtime from school and work. I also love to travel.

This is a picture of The Lone Cypress that I took on a recent trip to California.

I wanted to take this class because I love children and the joy they can bring to you.  Every experience that a child has can lead to who they will be in the future, so I believe that it is important to guide them through life experiences to the best of your ability.

 My mom, my sister, and I when I was about 3 years old.

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